Business Owners Insurance

Commercial Auto Insurance Providers

Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray

The company car, a food truck, a tow truck, whatever your business there is probably a vehicle that makes it possible.

In a world where business seems to move faster everyday it is no surprise that getting the job done quickly has the potential to end in an accident. But all forms of vehicle insurance policies are not created equally.

Protecting your commercial vehicles requires the expertise of an insurance company you can rely on. For protection as well as peace of mind, NXT Accounting & Tax Services provides comprehensive auto and trucking

Coverage that includes:

  • Bodily Injury liability coverage
  • Property damage liability
  • Collision coverage
  • Comprehensive damage coverage

Commercial Umbrella Insurance Providers

Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray

All businesses are different, and not just because of the products or services they offer.

Some companies work with the public while others are only business to business. Some commercial enterprises work with potentially dangerous materials or in potentially dangerous environments while others are at stationed behind desks. Depending on the specific situation of your company you may require more than what the standard liability insurance offers.

Your standard liability insurance protects you and your business against certain types of loss but may not provide sufficient coverage in the event of a lawsuit or if your business is faced with overwhelming cost claims. NXT Accounting & Tax Services in Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray provides commercial umbrella insurance that offers additional protection and coverage to pick up where your standard liability policy finishes off.

Insurance Providers

Edmonton, Calgary, and Fort McMurray

Are you in need of flexible, affordable insurance options tailored to your needs?
The insurance specialists at NXT Accounting & Tax Services have what you are looking for.

Our skilled and experienced insurance brokers are expertly familiar with all types of insurance packages and policies. We can recommend the best coverage for your requirements. You will benefit from our detailed consultations, unbeatable premiums, and commitment to customer service.

To discuss your possibilities for insurance, reach out to one of our representatives today. We would be delighted to assist you.

Workers' Compensation

Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray

NXT Accounting & Tax Services offers affordable workers’ compensation insurance to protect your employees and your business assets in Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray. 

Whether you have a small number of employees, or a run a business with a large staff, most employers are required by law to provide compensation coverage in the event of a lawsuit filed against your company for workplace accidents, or to cover lost wages and medical expenses from such job related illness or injury.

Commercial Property Insurance Providers

Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray

When it comes to protecting your business in Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray, choosing the right amount of commercial property coverage is essential.

Saving a little by not getting the right coverage will end in an expensive mistake, while being overly cautious means using money that could be set aside to help your business grow. NXT Accounting & Tax Services provides business property insurance for commercial property losses  that includes:

  • Your company building
  • Furniture and equipment
  • Inventory
  • Business records
  • Computers
  • Outdoor fences and signage
  • On site equipment

General Liability Insurance Providers

Edmonton, Calgary, and Fort McMurray

Every business in Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray must consider the standard asset protection provided with general liability insurance plans to effectively protect financial assets when faced with various types of liability claims.

Needs which may include:

  • Property damage coverage
  • Personal injury protection
  • Fire liability
  • Liability due to errors in operations and / or products
  • Casualty coverage
  • Employment practices liability

NXT Accounting & Tax Services insurance experts can help any sized business determine the coverage most appropriate to their needs.

Since the insurance requirements for each business will vary, discussing your particular needs with an experienced and knowledgeable insurance broker is essential. NXT Accounting & Tax Services specialists customize general liability policies for businesses, from the mom and pop shop to large corporate entities.

Professional Liability Insurance Providers

Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray

Most business owners understand that a general liability policy offers only basic financial protection at a specified amount to financially protect their organizations against claims made for bodily injury and/or property damage.

Yet even with this type of standard insurance coverage, your business in Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray may still be vulnerable to costly lawsuits when claims involving negligence arise. NXT Accounting & Tax Services provides professional liability insurance coverage and customizes your policy to fit the particular needs of your profession or industry.

In these cases, you or an employee can be sued with no financial coverage. Leading you to have to pay out of pocket which can lead to financial stress or at worst bankruptcy.

Besides negligence standard insurances often do not cover:

  • Misrepresentation
  • Violation of good faith or fair dealing
  • Inaccurate advice

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Tax Accountants and Insurance Providers in Canada
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